Missing Pieces and Manufacturing Issues Policy

1. Our employees and manufacturing partners try their very best to ensure our customers the best possible puzzle experience. Though rare, mistakes in the manufacturing process can occur. We understand this causes frustration and   sometimes anger; but treating our employees poorly is never acceptable. We will not respond to any requests for service that are disparaging, rude or demeaning.

2. In our 26+ years as a leader in the puzzle industry, we’ve always strived for excellence in quality and design. Unfortunately, mistakes in the manufacturing process do happen from time to time. If you believe a piece is missing from the factory-sealed box, please take the time to search on your own before submitting a request form. You would be surprised where pieces show up! We have reports of pieces discovered in bathrobe pockets, under the rug or made off with by an inquisitive cat. If after a week or so the piece has not turned up, please follow the procedures to request a replacement puzzle.

3. We cannot replace individual pieces.  Due to the unique die-cutting process, the pieces from a replacement puzzle will not match the original. (Trust us it is complicated! Each puzzle really is unique.)  If your request meets all of our criteria, and at our sole discretion, we will either have a replacement puzzle sent OR provide a gift certificate to our online store. 

4. If you ordered your puzzle directly from us at our online jigsaw puzzle store and would like a refund, please see our refund policy for more information

5. Only puzzles you purchased or received in factory seal are eligible for replacement. Puzzles purchased second-hand (for example, Ebay and garages sales), used, found, etc. are not eligible for replacement.

6. The information we request (e.g. trace code, place of purchase, etc.) are required for a reason. We need that information to trace the manufacturing defect and maintain quality control.

7. Only one replacement per customer.

8. No replacements can be sent outside of the U.S. or Canada.

9. We reserve the right to deny replacement or refund if it does not meet these policies, including failure to provide all requested information.